
Silent Disco Tuesdays/Els Dimarts/Los Martes

20h-22h - Plaça de Ramon Berenguer el Gran


Esdeveniments Anteriors



(sex+ event, reserva requerit)

18h a 21h

(English below)

Laboratorio de placer y tacto consciente

🦋 Objetivos
Laboratorio de juego sensorial y sexual.
Explorar el arte del masaje y los 5 sentidos.
Investigar la Rueda del Consentimiento de Betty Martin.
Aprender a meditar y respirar la energía creativa sexual escuchando tu cuerpo y el cuerpo del otr@.

🦋 ¿A quién va dirigido?
Personas con y sin experiencia en masaje.
Exploradores del placer y del consentimiento mutuo.
Individuos libres y responsables con un cuerpo vivo.
Amantes del placer y la sensualidad con consciencia (meditadores de lo denso y lo sutil).
Hombres, mujeres y personas no binarias de cualquier orientación.
+ 18 años

🦋 ¿Qué incluye?
Presentación y reglas del círculo.
Dinámicas y juegos escénicos.
Masaje en parejas.
Cambio de roles.
Cierre del círculo y despedida.

🦋 ¿Qué traer?
Máscara para los ojos
Aceite para masaje

🦋 ¿Dónde y cuándo?

Sala de Luz

Sábado de 18h a 21h

Puedes aportar económicamente o tomarlo como regalo y aportar de otras formas en tu día a día. Venimos a mover y entrenar/entregar nuestra energía creativa sexual al círculo. Lee más sobre los principios de BURNING MAN.

Es una actividad sex-positive. 🙏


Laboratory of pleasure and conscious touch

🦋 GoalsSensory and sexual play laboratory.Explore the art of massage and the 5 senses.Investigate Betty Martin's Wheel of Consent.Learn to meditate and breathe sexual creative energy by listening to your body and the body of others.

🦋 Who is it aimed at?People with and without experience in massage.Explorers of pleasure and mutual consent.Free and responsible individuals with a living body.Lovers of pleasure and sensuality with consciousness (meditators of the dense and subtle).Men, women and non-binary people of any orientation.+ 18 years

🦋 What does it include?Presentation and rules of the circle.Dynamics and stage games.Couples massage.Changing roles.Closing of the circle and farewell.

🦋What to bring?Pareo, Eye mask, Massage oil

🦋 Where and when?Light RoomBARCELONASaturday from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

🦋 GIVE/RECEIVEYou can contribute financially or take it as a gift and contribute in other ways in your daily life. We come to move and train/deliver our sexual creative energy to the circle.

Read more about the principles of BURNING MAN.

It is a sex-positive activity. 🙏


Previous Events:


The Relationship Cookbook and Potluck! 17-21h
Please take the time to read the 10 principles of Burning Man here:

VERY IMPORTANT! If you are coming for the Potluck too, 19-21h you MUST bring:
- a food dish AND drink to share + serving spoon if need be!
- a cup, plate, utensils for yourself
- the Leaving No Trace spirit and energy to clean up after ourselves!

The Relationship Cookbook 17h-19h
We want to come together to learn & exchange about how to nourish community, friendships, and families (whether biological or chosen ones) especially now as we come into the darker and colder months of the year. How can we stay closer and “warmer” together both during the darker months and more long-term?

Some possible topics:
* healing & re-creating connections pre-pandemic connections
* nurturing new and old adult friendships
* survival tips
* and anything in between
OK, it sounds interesting: what will we do exactly?
It’s a semi-structured event, an inclusive and practical group conversation: the best of a late night flowing chat with good friends, and a focused meeting about a project. We will talk, share experiences, and techniques, staying practical and/or personal.
We try to find common grounds, common truths, or at least clarity in being confused.
It is practical, open, playful, not prescriptive. No preaching.
If you are not sure you have anything to share, teach, or learn: come and have a look.
Join us and please invite others that could be interested that happen to live in Barcelona, or around.

The details:
17:00 Start
Please come on time, there is SOME technique to be learned about the structure, and we sadly cannot repeat for every person (since it is in a conversation).
Location (entlo-1)

More information
Telegram group for Barcelona:


11/11/23 Event d'1 Día



IMPORTANT: RESERVE x Lada Massage in description!


9h-9:45h Presence Leads to Aligned Action (Online Meditation) (ENG)

MÓN REAL (C/ de Casp, 39)

12h-19h Activitats Creatives, Treats, Sorpreses + Chillout 

12h-13h Ecstatic Dance Party

13h-14hJames Monk Music

14h-15h Dinar! Comida de Traje (Potluck) + Taller de Creps 

15h-16h Reclaiming Your Queendom (ENG + Women Only)

16h-17h Cuerpos Salvajes (CAST)

17h-18h Reiki Vocal (CAST)

18h-19h Expériencia Immersiva


PROGRAMA (l'Ultim Burn Week)

 MUY IMPORTANTE: Habrá espacio limitado, así que hay que hacer reservas para muchos eventos en la descripcion. Gracias. ¡Recuerda traer tu TAZA, un snack Y una bebida a cada evento!

VERY IMPORTANT: There will be limited space for many events, be sure to reserve when necessary. Thank you. Remember to bring your CUP , a snack AND drink to share to EACH event!

(ONLINE agenda al final de todo)

*(ADULT)= sexopositivo 

DIUMENGE, 27/08/23


20h-22h Ceremònia d'Apertura 

DILLUNS, 28/08/23


11h-12h Hora de Puzzles

12h-13h Círculo de Gratitud

14h-15:30h I am an Open Book

21h-22h Inspiración...Estas Ahi?


16:30h-17:30h Conecta con tu Yo Superior: Una Mirada a los Registros Akashicos 

18h-20h Relationship Cookbook 

20:30h-21:30h The Hug Experience 

DIMARTS, 29/08/23

"CAMP" SALA DE LUZ   (c/ de Pallars 74. Local 1-14)

14h-16h Cuerpxs Exquisitxs  (Adult)
16h-17:30h ¿Porque los Labios?  (Adult)

18h-18:30h No Me Entienden (Performance)  (Adult)

19h-22h Lada Massage Workshop (Adult)


"CAMP" MÓN REAL    (C/ de Casp, 39)

11h-13h Círculo de Sentipensares en NMENo Monogamia Ética
14h-16h Conoce el Tarot Evolutivo 
16h-17h The Hug Experience 
17:30h-19h Discover Your Personal Key To Greater Self-Tenderness 


20h-21h Inspiración...Estas Ahi?

21:30h-22:45h Cuerpos Salvajes/ Wild Bodies


DIMECRES, 30/08/23


11h-12h La Dieta Mental

22:30h-00:30hSilent Disco

"CAMP" FLOWSPACE    (Carrer de les Basses de Sant Pere, 4)

17:30h-18:30h The Hug Experience 

19h-22h Ramas Genealogías, Expo Arte de Daniel Freire 

DIJOUS, 31/08/23

"CAMP" HESTING CLUB   (43800 Picamoixons, Tarragona)

10h-13h Masia con Caballos ("Not so Urban" Playa, porque esta fuera de la ciudad) 


11h-13h Creative Interaction Moment 

13:30-15:30 Pancakes! 

15h-16:30h Gifting our Street Cleaners

16:30-17:30 Presentacion del Libro "La Ciutat Encantada" 

"CAMP" YNSPIRE SPACE  (Av. del Marquès de l'Argentera, 19, Ent 1)

12h-13h The Hug Experience

18h-19:30h Shamanic Self Quest

20h-21:30h Celebrate the Art of Fluid Movements

"CAMP" MÓN REAL  (C/ de Casp, 39)

16:30h-17:30h Connect to Your Higher Self: A Look at the Akashic Records 

18h-20:30h Mmmm - Mindful Manifestor Mindset - Reshape your reality

20:30-22:30 El juego de la GPS

"CAMP" SALA DE LUZ (c/ de Pallars 74. Local 1-14)

18h-20h Twister Ropes  (Adult)

20:30h-21h No Me Entienden (Performance)  (Adult)

21:30h-23h Masturbation Circle (Adult)

DIVENDRES, 01/09/23


12h-13h Sessió de Dansa Flow

15h-16h The Mental Diet Regime

21h-22:30h Blacklight Painting 

"CAMP" MÓN REAL  (C/ de Casp, 39)

15h-16h Que Lindo Quilombo

17h-21h Mandarina Date Nights (para personas NO-Monógomas)

21:30-22:30h Alad(in) Sane, Your Orders, My Command   

"CAMP" YNSPIRE SPACE  (Av. del Marquès de l'Argentera, 19, Ent 1)

18:30h-19:30h Canto de Kirtans

20h-21h I Am Not What Happened to Me

"CAMP" SALA DE LUZ   (c/ de Pallars 74. Local 1-14)

17h-20h Flogger-Making Workshop / Fes-te un Flogger (Adult)

21h-22:30h Nexos (Adult)



12h-13:30h Tango en Doble Rol

"CAMP" YNSPIRE SPACE  (Av. del Marquès de l'Argentera, 19, Ent 1)

14h-15h Dynamic Flow

"CAMP" MÓN REAL (C/ de Casp, 39)

10h-11h The Hug Experience

11h-13h Breathwork Workshop

12h-13h Cuentacuentos   (per nens i nenes petits i grans)

13h-14:30h Menjar Popular (Potluck-Sigueu Creatius!)

13h-15h Pancakes!

14h-16h Ableton Edits (Music Prod. Workshop)

14h-19:30h Cabana Libre Presents: Free to Dance

16h-17h Cabana Libre Playtime: Improv Workshop

16h-18h Collective Intelligence Workshop

18h-19h Magic Show- The Tintin Mickey

22h-? Nit de Burn - a veure :)

"CAMP" SALA DE LUZ (c/ de Pallars 74. Local 1-14)

15h-18h Fes-te un Arnes / Harness-Making Workshop (Adult)

20h-01h Divina Gozadera/Divine Pleasure Play Party de Mujeres (Adult)

DIUMENGE, 03/09/23


10h-11h Instal*lacions Interactives "Carta Sin Destino" 

11h-12h La Experiencia del Abrazo 

11h-12h Teatre Socioemocional

12h-14h Archetypes + Movement 

14h-16h Menjar Popular (Potluck-Sigueu Creatius!)

14h-16h Psicotarot

16h-18h Meditation in Conversation

"CAMP" MÓN REAL (C/ de Casp, 39)

19:30h-20:30h "From Trash to Treasure" Workshop

21h-21:30h   Presentacion de Escultura "Plastic Pandemic"

"CAMP" YNSPIRE SPACE  (Av. del Marquès de l'Argentera, 19, Ent 1)

20h-21h Kirtan! Music of Devotion


22h-00h Ecstatic Dance

DILLUNS, 04/09/23


5h Temple Burn (en directe del BRC)


"CAMP" HUG NATION - COMPLETE ONLINE AGENDA (be prepared for updates)